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After the intensity of adjusting to life with a new baby, many parents
reach a point where they find they're like ostriches lifting their heads
out of the sand to discover a wider world — the one they took leave of,
temporarily, after the birth. The repetitiveness and endlessness of
baby care can also be very different from the pace of work, especially
if you're used to a goal-oriented job or lots of adult interaction.
ways to restore a little balance:
1. Join a parenting
group. Look for a group that fosters your interests and offers
lots of support through activities and resources. Check the listings in
your local paper or at your library, your place of worship, or the
doctor's office for meeting announcements. There are groups for breastfeeding moms, parents of color, working
parents, book-reading parents, stay-at-home parents, and so on — or you might find (or
start!) an ad hoc neighborhood group.
2. Go online.
Keep in touch with friends or family by e-mail, network with other parents
at sites like BabyCenter, or just check in on "the outside world" at
news sites. Read parenting
blogs — it can be reassuring to see how similar other peoples'
problems are to your own.
3. Spend some time by yourself.
Make sure you get a real break — a chance to relax, focus on yourself,
and get inspired — at least once a week. Ideally, find half an hour just
for you each day, maybe at nap time.
4. Read.
Keep a book or magazine handy for those times when your baby naps. Even
if it's just reading a few pages a day, you can "escape" to a world of
fiction or learn something new.
5. Start a blog or a
diary. Whether you choose to make your observations public or
keep them private is up to you — simply recording them is a time-honored
way to preserve your sanity. You can keep an online journal on
6. Have an adult conversation.
Whether it's over the phone or in person, chatting with a friend,
relative, or your partner can re-energize you.
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